Michelle Weber

All Projects


About Me

Foto: Roman Ernst

Michelle Sarah Weber
1998, Switzerland
Ich bin Designerin mit einer Spezialisierung in Scientific und Knowledge Visualization.  Hauptsächlich erstelle ich Designkonzepte und Visualisierungen für digitale und Printmedien.
Haben Sie Interesse an einer Zusammenarbeit? Für Anfragen zu Jobangeboten und Aufträgen kontaktieren Sie mich bitte per ︎Email 

I am a visual designer specializing in scientific and knowledge visualization. I primarily create design concepts and visualizations for digital and print media.
Are you interested in working together? For inquiries about job offers and freelance commissions, please contact me via ︎Email

Education and work experience

Awards & Nominations

Bronze Award
Awards, Category “Data Visualization”
Nomination “Advancement Award" (Förderpreis)
Advancement Award of the Design Department at ZHdK, 2022

For BA Project: "Here Comes the Sun - How Light Changes our Forests",
in Cooperation with the Form Group at ETH Zurich.


(Native Language)
(Cambridge C2, Proficiency)
(Intermediate, Matura level)


2015 - today
Independent work

Programs used

In my free time I like to explore my surroundings with my camera and capture details and moments that come too short in our hectic everyday life.

Interested in prints of my photography?
I usually have folding cards in stock, other prints are also possible.
Just contact me via email or Instagram DM and we can discuss the details together.

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©️ Michelle Sarah Weber